Saturday, November 5, 2011

Repertory Philippines' PETER PAN

Two musicals in one day, technically it’s two days because I watched Peter Pan last Friday at 8PM but I went straight to the office until the next morning. Just had a short nap and then we went Resorts World Manila for The Sound of Music, so that’s equal to one day for me.

I was planning to see Peter Pan with my son Jethro because of the premise of the show and he knows who Peter Pan is but it didn’t push through and I ended up just watching it by myself. I had a good seat with a good view of all the sets on stage. I was familiar to the songs of this Peter Pan from Stiles and Drewe and was wondering how it will translate to the stage with all the flying of Peter Pan. Repertory Philippines and Stages Productions didn’t fail me. The opening set alone send chills as they sang ‘There’s something in the Air Tonight’ with the buildings of London and then transitioned those buildings to beds for the Darling’s nursery room.

The flying added more fun and excitement although it’s not as daredevil as Varekai’s (Cirque du Soleil) but the actors can really get into character, Sam especially, with the flying. It will make you admire these kids who can still sing and act despite being swung around the stage for about 20 feet or so without feeling scared or losing their tune.

The cast were great led by Sam Concepcion and Michael Williams as Captain Hook. I last saw Sam from High School Musical on Stage three years ago. He’s a good actor and can definitely carry the show. Michael Williams is already a legend in Philippine theater. The supporting cast were equally great from Wendy (Tippy), and the Darling kids Michael and John. Pinky Marquez as the mother and Jaime Del Mundo as the Father rounded up the supporting cast. Kakki Teodoro as Tiger Lily with her shrill singing voice as an Indian. The Lost boys kept their beat and the Pirates their song. Tinkerbell as the little light bulb on the stick was good too and helped with the illusion and Nana the dog was applauded when it first came out.

The play was fun and very light and hopefully the young audiences will take away the line form Peter Pan, Sam’s favorite as well based on the program, when Peter said;

“I am youth, I am freedom, I am Peter Pan" and then went off flying.

Makes you think how old you are and that people sometimes get lost to the busy-ness of life and forgets how to just enjoy every moment each day.
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