Friday, November 18, 2011

All The Thinks You Can Think!!!

Seussical, Jethro’s first musical play that he saw. Repertory Philippines’ Suessical is a colorful and fun musical designed for children of all ages. We happen to see that Groupon Philippines, an online discount store, is offering Suessical tickets for half the price so I immediately signed up and get four tickets. We were able to get an orchestra side seat but a little far from the stage already. Not the usual orchestra center I’m getting from my subscription but it is still a good seat and you can still see the expressions of the actors.

The theater was filled with little children from 3 years old and above so when the show started, I didn’t mind that Jethro throws in his usual questions here and there while watching the play as there are kids talking as well. The show was really for kids and didn’t fail to get the kids attention all throughout the play. Jethro liked it and was happy to see it. After the show, the cast remained on the stage so kids had a chance to take pictures with them.

When we got home, Jethro loved reading the souvenir program and pointing out the actors that played each characters from the show that we saw. He was so used to the actors’ names and pictures that when I
brought home the souvenir program from Peter Pan, another Rep’s production, he showed some of the actors that were on both plays.

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