Monday, November 21, 2011

Under The Sea with The Little Mermaid!

Yet through another discounted online purchasing, this time Ensogo, we were able to watch the first show of The Little Mermaid Manila by Atlantis productions. This is Jethro’s third musical this year.

Little Mermaid Manila was the first Asian production of the Broadway musical based on the beloved Disney Classic. With such songs like Part of your World, Under the Sea, this is definitely a sure fire hit and Atlantis productions didn’t disappoint us. The sets ranged from simple to extravagant. Under the Sea and Kiss the Girl filled the stage with colorful costumes and props. Shadow puppetry were utilized as well to show animated scenes. The costumes made a good illusion of the fins and tails while the actors walk around.

The cast were great led by Rachel Ann Go and Erik Santos but it was Jinky and OJ who I think stole the show played Ursula and Sebastian respectively. Other cast members like Calvin Millado (Triton), Lee Viloria (flounder) and Ikey Canoy (Scuttle). The ensemble was a collection of theater professionals and familiar faces. All their numbers were applauded loudly and done with such energy and presence. Being familiar to the material makes the musical more enjoyable. Even the songs that are not on the animated movie was catchy like Positoovity and She’s in Love.

The show ended with a standing ovation and they deserved it. This is the last production of Atlantis this year and I’m just glad I didn’t miss any one of them. They were all world class and excellent productions from Next to Normal, Aida, In the Heights and Little Mermaid. Can’t wait for next year for Rock of Ages, Nine, God of Carnage and Shrek the Musical.

PS. That night we saw Lea Salonga, Leo Valdez and Joanna Ampil watching the show. We’re fortunate to meet Joanna at the lobby and didn’t waste an opportunity to have our picture taken with her.
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Bicol Express!!!!

We went to Bicol last weekend with friends on a road trip. We left Manila at 2am and arrived in Camarines Sur at around 10AM. We stayed at Camarines Sur WaterSports Complex on one of their wooden cabins. The place has villas that was beautifully landscaped and the brown colors of the cabins makes it look like you are on an upscale subdivision. Grabbed a lunch and quick nap, then we proceeded to Lago Del rey, A man-made lake complete with inflatables and obstacle course to play around. Jethro had a lot of fun swimming on his own, with life vest of course. The trampoline was a lot of fun. The obstacle course was pretty hard, though. There were two big inflatables called ‘icebergs’, one was around ten feet high, the other 20 feet. I only tried climbing the shorter one and when I got to the top, I was almost out of breath and had to rest for a while before jumping.

At night time we, the lake closes so we moved to the wakeboarding lake. I only tried the kneeboarding. It was such an experience given that I’m not the sporty type of person. Really tested my stamina though.

The next day, we’re on the road again to see the majestic Mayon Volcano. On the way to the mayon, you will be awed by its beauty. The perfect cone shape is something you will only see here. Zooming in on my camera, you can see the ridges where the lava flowed from previous eruptions. Cagsawa Ruins is a delight to see. To behold the actual ruins you only see on pictures before. Similar to the feeling I had when I first looked at the Chocolate Hills in Bohol. We had picture taking and one of the guide was kind enough to take trick shots using our cameras.

We went back to CWC for more swimming and we let Jethro enjoy the water. We went back to Manila the next day with cramps on shoulder and legs from an exhausting but unforgettable activities in Bicol.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Few of my Favorite Things!!

Our journey to see The Sound of Music is quite an adventure in itself. When I’ve heard that Resorts World Manila, will be staging The Sound of Music at the Newport Performing Arts Center, I was pretty much not interested because I have seen The Sound of Music four years ago when Repertory Philippines presented it with Menchu and Audie as leads so I sort of brush it off and didn’t bother to get updates. But on our way to the airport going to Cebu last month and seeing the big poster outside saying that they got Joanna Ampil as Maria, that made me excited, changed my mind and said to myself that I have to see this if Joanna Ampil will star in it. I’ve seen Joanna Ampil, a Filipina who starred in major productions such as Miss Saigon, Jesus Christ Superstar etc in West End, in the West Side Story three years ago and I was very impressed by her. I then went on to even see her on her valentine concert the following year. I had a chance to get a picture with her during West Side Story as I won a backstage pass. It’s thrilling to stand beside her.
With Joanna Ampil backstage after West Side Story (2008)
Anyways, going back to The Sound of Music, with a dead set goal to see the musical, I started checking for updates and ticket prices. Ticket prices are a little bit higher than any major theater productions but still good. Browsing Resorts World Manila’s website, I saw their promotion “Find the Von Trapps”. It’s sort of a hunting game wherein you will have to look for the seven Von Trapp Children ‘stand-in’ pictures scattered all across the RWM. I was viewing this and checking the mechanics early in the morning of Oct 8 and seeing the Facebook post on the clues where the stand-ins were. Given that Oct 8 was the first day of the Week 2 contest, we just decided to just go and join. The contest needs the first 10 who will be able to send their pictures with the stand-ins so we went to RWM just before 10AM with some shops still not yet open. Armed with the research I made that morning, pretty much I know where each kid would be. We easily found four plus I know the last one would be outside at the Star Cruise building but we still haven’t found Liesel and Brigitta. We went around the mall couple of times before finding Brigitta and we had to ask one of the guards if we can go up the Maxim’s side of RWM to check and that’s where Liesel is. On we went to Kenny Rogers for the last kid, It’s Kurt I think and then had lunch. Good thing that Kenny Rogers has Wi-fi, so I plugged in my camera and laptop and at around 11:30 or 12, we were able to send our entries. One week after that, we got a confirmation that we won VIP tickets. A total of 6 VIP as my wife and company worth 2000 pesos each. I'm getting good with these contests, right?

Last Saturday we went to see the Matinee and Newport Performing Arts Center is huge but that’s not a problem because we’re seated 4 rows away from the stage at VIP seats. As the curtain went up, I was filled with awe as they show the first set, they were also huge and so realistically looking. And they had the biggest LED screen at the back added more to the illusion. By the way, I’m just so happy that Maria was played by Joanna that day and Jon Joven as the captain.
Aside from the world class performance from its leads and powerhouse supporting cast and the children, I’m very much impressed with the set design. The Von Trapp mansion looks very real and big with the drapes over the window.

The classic songs were lovely and the whole music just never fails to touch anyone. Do-Re-Mi is a timeless classics. There were new songs though that I’m not quite familiar (sung by Max and Elsa) but it is still The Sound of Music I know. I had goosebumps when the children sang ‘The sound of Music’ for the first time to Elsa and the Captain sang with them.

After almost three hours, can’t believe it was that long because you won’t notice the time, Jethro went out singing “Doe, a deer a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun.” over and over again until now, actually. He’s trying to learn the lyrics of the rest of the song though and hopefully would be able to complete the verse.
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Repertory Philippines' PETER PAN

Two musicals in one day, technically it’s two days because I watched Peter Pan last Friday at 8PM but I went straight to the office until the next morning. Just had a short nap and then we went Resorts World Manila for The Sound of Music, so that’s equal to one day for me.

I was planning to see Peter Pan with my son Jethro because of the premise of the show and he knows who Peter Pan is but it didn’t push through and I ended up just watching it by myself. I had a good seat with a good view of all the sets on stage. I was familiar to the songs of this Peter Pan from Stiles and Drewe and was wondering how it will translate to the stage with all the flying of Peter Pan. Repertory Philippines and Stages Productions didn’t fail me. The opening set alone send chills as they sang ‘There’s something in the Air Tonight’ with the buildings of London and then transitioned those buildings to beds for the Darling’s nursery room.

The flying added more fun and excitement although it’s not as daredevil as Varekai’s (Cirque du Soleil) but the actors can really get into character, Sam especially, with the flying. It will make you admire these kids who can still sing and act despite being swung around the stage for about 20 feet or so without feeling scared or losing their tune.

The cast were great led by Sam Concepcion and Michael Williams as Captain Hook. I last saw Sam from High School Musical on Stage three years ago. He’s a good actor and can definitely carry the show. Michael Williams is already a legend in Philippine theater. The supporting cast were equally great from Wendy (Tippy), and the Darling kids Michael and John. Pinky Marquez as the mother and Jaime Del Mundo as the Father rounded up the supporting cast. Kakki Teodoro as Tiger Lily with her shrill singing voice as an Indian. The Lost boys kept their beat and the Pirates their song. Tinkerbell as the little light bulb on the stick was good too and helped with the illusion and Nana the dog was applauded when it first came out.

The play was fun and very light and hopefully the young audiences will take away the line form Peter Pan, Sam’s favorite as well based on the program, when Peter said;

“I am youth, I am freedom, I am Peter Pan" and then went off flying.

Makes you think how old you are and that people sometimes get lost to the busy-ness of life and forgets how to just enjoy every moment each day.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cebu Trip

It would seem like in any place here in the country, we have SM malls so the trip won't be complete until we've visited the mall.
This is where we had our dinner after our first day of touring Cebu City. It was a very productive day and I have another itinerary planed the next day.

It's kinda weird though writing about this trip a month after but it was also a good way to reminisce the vacation and the whole experience.

Next: Day 3 in Cebu.
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Colon St Marker

Onour way to our supposedly last destination of the day, Cathedral museum, we passed by the Colon St. marker. It is said that this is the oldest estableshed street in the Philippines and we have that obelisk to mark that.

J Just a meters from Colon st. is the Rajah Humabon park. Nothing much to see here so I just snapped the sitting Rajah monument shown in the picture. Just across this park is the Cebu cathedral Museum but unfortunately because of the nap we had in the afternoon, we were not able to get inside the museum as it is already closed.

So we missed two museums in Cebu, the Museo Sugbo and the Cathedral museum. I don't know if we would still go back to Cebu, if we do at lease we still have new things to see. On the way to SM city Cebu for our dinner, we passed by Plaza Independencia again which is right beside Fort San Pedro.
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Cebu Heritage Site

Going back the street where Yap-SanDiego house is the Cebu Heritage site. It's a sculpture showing the history of Cebu from the arrival of the spaniards to Christianity. It also shows some famous Cebuanos.

While we're here, there's another group of tourists visiting the place and they have their own tour guide. I've pretty much listened to the guy in Barong with a hat speaking on his portable PA strap on his belt. One thing that surprise me was when he pointed to a lady in the sculpture who is Josephine Bracken. That coaught my attention as to why she was there and the tour guide pointed out that after Rizal's death, Josephine went to marry a cebuano businessman and she in turn worked as an English tutor to no other than the 4th President of the Philippines, Sergio Osmena. Another famous cebuano.

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Casa Gorordo

Just a little walk from Yap-Sandiego house is another house museum, Casa Gorordo. Casa Gorordo is pretty much showcases the whole house and the different rooms of a typical Casa during the Spanish era.
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Yap-San Diego Ancestral House

After a short nap at the hotel, we're on the road again to continue my DIY Cebu City Tour. We went to Yap-SanDiego ancestral House first. It was really an old house and the caretaker was so kind to give us an unofficial tour of the place. He gave us the information about who owned the place and how they were able to keep the antiques and the old utensils intact.

They removed the ceiling of the house so the can show the chalk 'tisa' roof.
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