How would you even describe a musical so energetic, fabulous, wonderful and just so great that after the show, you wouldn’t want to leave the theater and makes you want more. I’m sure most of those who watched In the Heights can’t get enough that they were thinking, “I’ve got to see this again” and I’m sure for those who can did.
I was lucky enough to see this for free with my wife through a raffle promo, and what’s better was the seats were at orchestra center. I was expecting Balcony tickets but when we got the tickets and saw that it was front row, orchestra center, I’m not complaining.

I loved In the Heights even before Atlantis announced it last year that they will do it. I saw it when they won Best Musical in the 2008 Tony’s and since then have been listening to the upbeat, rap, salsa music of the soundtrack. But knowing the songs didn’t spoil the fun of watching it live on the stage but made it more enjoyable since I know the context and some of the lyrics of the songs.
The cast was just great. Nyoy Volante, Ima Castro, Felix Rivera, K-la Rivera, Calvin Millado, Jackie Lou Blanco, Jay Glorioso, Tex Ordonez, and Bibo Reyes. Nyoy was able to do the rapping just great and made sure the audience can understand him. You can’t seem to go wrong with Ima and Felix and they’re just perfect in every role they do. I would really love to see K-la do another musical again. She’s just so pretty on stage and exudes such presence in her voice that you can’t help but love her performance. The rest of the cast just perfectly fit into their roles.

Sets were simple, Rosario’s Cab company on the left, a little street in the middle for dancing and Bodega and Daniella’s Salon on the right, but the props and the set design is so believable to the smallest of details.
You would just love every minute of In the Heights and there are no dull moments at all. It’s a roller coaster musical with a heart and I think what makes it appealing is that we almost have the same culture as the characters in the play and anyone watching would be able to relate to a character or two.
A lot of lessons can be learned from In The Heights, about identity and character, family, patience and faith (Pacencia y Fe). One thing more, that is whatever happens and changes that might occur in your life, there will always be something you can go back into, that is family and as Usnavi puts it;
"Where it's a hundred in the shade!
But with patience and faith
we remain unafraid
I'm home!"